Sometimes you come across stuff on internet searches that makes you say, "Huh, that's neat."
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Cambridge,
Dorchester County, Maryland, May 1891, Library of Congress collection
I knew that the Dorchester & Delaware Railroad/Cambridge & Seaford Railroad went directly by the Cambridge Water Works, but this Sandborn Fire Insurance Map from May 1891 (Library of Congress Collection), shows the Cambridge Ice Company & the C. Orem & Company Fertilizer Works (located approximately 360 feet south of the Cambridge train station - located roughly west of Trenton Street, near the Trenton Street boat ramp today).
Notice at the C. Orem & Company Fertilizer Works that it is not only powered by steam coal, it has buildings set aside for shells & a bone mill.
Of course, none of these buildings exist now in Cambridge, but again, I'm going to say, "Huh, that's neat."