Sunday, February 28, 2021

Williamsburg, MD Correction

It's funny - you take your time doing research before writing a post & then about a month after you make the post, new information comes to light.

May I present an actual photo of the Williamsburg, MD station & freight platform. What I like is the fact that the D&D/C&S reported that the Williamsburg station was of "similar design" as the Federalsburg, MD station. If you look at my post from January 23, 2021, you'll note that both stations are not of "similar design." They may occupy about the same square feet, but you'll note that they're not the same.

Either way, it's cool when more information comes up.

Williamsburg, MD from an undated photo, Rudy Wilson collection from the Delmarva Railroad Heritage Museum

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Stuff for Sale on eBay

You know when you start accumulating stuff over the years & then you sit down an start cataloging everything & notice you have too much stuff?

Well, I'm there right now.

Not only do I have too much model train stuff, I've got too much stuff from my 37 years working in the railroad industry.

Looks like it's off to eBay is where some of this stuff is going to go.

I don't have anything posted for sale there yet, but if you want to see what's going up for sale over the next few months, search for my seller's account: chessie3877.

chessie3877 on eBay