Friday, July 5, 2019

Federalsburg, MD

Federalsburg, MD was reached by the Dorchester & Delaware Railroad (D&DRR) sometime between October 12, 1868, and November 8, 1869. I say “sometime” because the D&DRR completed the line (beginning at Cambridge, MD) to East New Market, MD for construction trains by October 12, 1868, & November 8, 1869, because that's when the first service train runs over the entire line between Seaford, DE and Cambridge, MD.

If anyone out there knows the exact date the D&DRR arrived in Federalsburg, please share it with me.

Either way, here's four photos of Federalsburg. An undated photo taken by an unknown photographer, facing towards Cambridge (that's South Main Street crossing the tracks, in front of the station).

Federalsburg, MD, facing towards Cambridge, MD by an unknown photographer on an unknown date.

The second photo is from a 1915 photo by an unknown photographer from Chase Andrew's collection.

Federalsburg, MD, facing northeast (towards Seaford) in 1915 by an unknown photographer, Chase Andrew's collection. 

The third photo is from a 1928 postcard by an unknown photographer from Rudy Wilson's collection.

Federalsburg, MD, facing northwest (towards Cambridge) on a 1928 postcard, Rudy Wilson's collection.

The color photo was taken by Ed Sharp in 2012, facing Seaford (South Main Street can be seen behind the station, crossing the tracks). The station currently serves as headquarters for the Maryland & Delaware Railroad (their engine house is off to the right of Ed's photo).

Federalsburg, MD station in 2012 by Ed Sharpe, facing Seaford, DE.