PRR Class BS-12m 8747 at Seaford, DE in the late 1950's or early 1960's, by an unknown photographer, Jim Bowden collection.
PRR Class BS12m (Baldwin S-12) 8747 on what is now the modern-day Delmarva Central Railroad's Cambridge Industrial Track at what is today the Perdue plant in Seaford, DE in the late 1950's early 1960's, by an unknown photographer, Jim Bowden collection. We're looking towards Cambridge, MD & the Seaford station is behind the photographer (the Nanticoke River is off to the left).
Today, Perdue uses the Nanticoke River & trucks to serve this plant. Rail cars haven't been parked on the sidings for at least twenty years now & there doesn't appear to be any changes to Perdue's plan anytime soon. This building still stands today, but it doesn't appear to be in use. There's silos behind the overhead conveyor today - those are used. The building - not so much.
Look at those box cars being used in grain service!